Once again, I’m not doing a product review. This is going to be a little fun spin on thoughts that swirl around in my head and I know I’m not the only person that considers this stuff.
Idea: Growing up/Adulting
First Thoughts: I couldn’t wait. I was going to be able to do anything I wanted to whenever I wanted to do it. The idea of being in control was exciting and having a space that was completely my own took it over the top. While I wasn’t considering everything that I would experience, I knew that it was going to be full of adventures that I could only experience once I became an adult.
How’s it Going: I was sold a fantasy. While I absolutely loved college years, I had no idea what awaited me once I left. I should have stayed longer if I knew this would be on the other side. Am I saying that being an adult is all terrible…Heck no. Here’s some of the things that stick out:
-When I was single with no children adulting was much better, but once I had children I was right back into the box. My schedule is dictated heavily by their wants, needs, and desires. Of course, during the school year this is intensified and I too look forward to Fridays when I don’t have to worry about the alarm clock. I clean far more than I desire to and the majority of being a mom is quite thankless. Who cares that I cook, clean, make sure they have clean clothes, hair is done continually, etc.? Me. I remember being able to go to a movie on a Tuesday night or just being spontaneous and going away for the weekend…those days are done for a good while now.
-Aside from the kid part, who decided that bills needed to come so frequently? It would have been a great service if parents gave us some sort of heads up about the mundane routine life presented with getting mail and it just being bills. My goodness….I know people need their money, but like I just paid you 15 days ago give me a bit please.
-Owning a home….Yeah it’s expensive for sure. This is something that is continually stuffed down our throats from a young age. You grow up, get a job, get a house (maybe get married and have kids..American Dream they call it). Once you’re older, you’re definitely made aware of the differences between owning and renting, but sometimes the true costs aren’t as easily identified because they’re just in theory. If you’ve read my previous blog or seen my IG about what we’ve been going through with appliances you know we are in a whirlwind of trying to get things fixed and it has been a huge headache. While the microwave is back up and running, the dryer is not and I much prefer the dryer to be operational. Let’s not add trying to keep everything looking nice and keeping the idea of adding value to the home (if you aren’t in your forever home). We have two homes and trying to update them both at the same time is just a headache as well as expensive. Also, we have to consider the renters we have in the house in SC. Let me say, I’m grateful. I don’t want anyone to think anything outside of that. I know that many people desire to own a home and can’t for several reasons and we have 2 properties with intentions of getting several more. My biggest issue is the costs (even with insurance). A few hundred are okay, but I don’t have thousands to just drop all the time and it seems like that’s what repairs and remodels require.
-I can’t eat what I want. People always used to say when you grow up you can do what you want, but that was a lie and if you don’t believe me ask my metabolism. I could eat everything at 18, but those years are far in the rear view and if I did something so reckless I would be in terrible health. You don’t get more energy as you age but you need it to deal with kids, work life, staying physically active, etc. With that in mind, you have to fuel your body with appropriate nutrition. So those nights of just eating cereal for dinner (I might do it here and there) don’t really suffice. I have to admit once you start working out that’s not nearly enough anyway. Which brings up something associated with trying to be healthy…the grocery bill starts looking crazy.
Is it Worth it: I guess…LOL. As I’ve aged my skin has gotten worse (after each kid), my metabolism gets tired too quickly and keeps sitting down when I need it running up and down the court, and being an adult is more expensive because of everything you need. But, I absolutely would have never had this level of emotional intelligence without experiencing life as well as being able to grow in knowledge and wisdom. I genuinely like me now and that’s not something I could say in my younger years. I can communicate my thoughts, needs, and feelings more appropriately and effectively which improve my relationships with others. This makes the adult side enjoyable. I no longer am a slave to fears placed on me by others and I’m staring to believe again in the possibilities of dreaming big (this was faded away by adults around me as I grew up). Now that I have the opportunity to help shape children, I hope that I’m able to keep their life consisting of lines and squiggles instead of boxes. I won’t speak for anyone else, but this is one of the greatest challenges and gifts of being an adult. I have the ability to be a good steward of the information I’ve obtained and I can provide a safe space for growth and development to the future generations.
Share your thoughts on this adulting thing?