What: Bargain shopping and couponing
Initial Thoughts: Definitely worth the effort to save money. I love not having to spend money unnecessarily as well as watching the total go down as coupons are being scanned.
How’s it Going: I was going strong with couponing while living in South Carolina, but I have been doing terribly since being in Texas. I haven’t found papers at Dollar Tree as I once did in the past, and buying them anywhere else is a little bit more expensive. One of the things that isn’t stressed enough about the couponing life is the amount of time it takes to successfully plan a trip. I remember the hours that I would spend checking the sales versus the coupons I had on hand. In spite of using various websites that provide you with sales (my fave: krazycouponlady) as well as coupons to use, it still required an extensive amount of time. Going to multiple stores and running around was a lot. Now that I’m a little older, I value my time so much more than money. Some things are worth the price to provide some convenience, but there are definitely other things that I’m finding are really easy to make on my own and fairly inexpensive. Bargain shopping at stores such as Dollar Tree or 99cents Stores are definitely worth it. I’m able to buy signs that I can change often without feeling that I’ve lost a ton of money as well as other cute decor items I can make minor changes to without the Cha-Ching sound constantly sounding off. I know this isn’t for everyone, but with YouTube there are so many creatives that take out the guess workout and provide you with a step by step guide on how to make decor that mimics Kirklands, Anthropology, Pottery Barn, and many other pricey stores.
Aside from crafting options, you’re also able to find items at a fraction of the cost. I don’t mind putting in elbow grease in order to have some of things I desire without breaking the bank. Thrift stores have amazing finds from furniture to home items that you can either upcycle or clean up and use as is. Being able to contribute to your community while shopping is also a plus. One of the biggest things I choose to bargain shop for is snacks that my children enjoy eating regularly. My children are healthy eaters and since the price of groceries has not gone down, it only makes sense that when I’m not going to Sam’s Club I try and find alternatives to regular grocery store prices. I love that the 99cents Stores offer name brand products at a discounted rate and it’s great quality. I didn’t find this gem until relocating to Texas, but it has served me well. I don’t find this as a hard task since I can save a ton of money and get several of the items I need in one place. I cringe anytime I’m in the grocery store and I have to get the snack from there because there’s a big difference between spending $1.99 and $4.99 (I am very frugal so every dollar counts to me).
Is it Worth it: YES!!! Bargain shopping is not a bad thing and getting everything new is overrated. I know during this current situation it can make you a little hesitant to purchase anything second hand, but truthfully you don’t know what you’re getting even when you buy it brand new out of a store. I love thrifting and because I’ve become a better steward of my resources I don’t get caught up getting things I don’t need or won’t use ( I tend to pick up lots of cheap things if shopping). Couponing is worth the savings, but you have to factor in if it’s worth your time. I don’t want to waste my time clipping and storing anymore so I will get an app from a store and clip the digital coupons if I’m going there, but I don’t spend 10-20 hours trying to figure out ways to save a few hundred bucks. I probably should go back to at least doing more than I do now, but I’m not in the mental space I was once in and that time is utilized towards creating blog posts or crafting and I’m okay with that. What money saving practices do you have currently or are you interested in starting in the future?