Topic: Social Media Break
Yes, we are again doing a review on something that’s not a product. Sorry not sorry, but it’s important to me that I speak on this. While I’ve never been the person that feels the need to announce that I’m taking a break (I really don’t understand the logic in this anyway because the people that need to know will via phone communication), I have become more cognizant of the need to step away. If you ever find that I’ve become inconsistent with my posting, it’s more than likely that I’m taking a break and being in the moment. Trying to get my foot in the door with exposure in regards to the blog means that this can be detrimental to the “algorithm”, but peace is priceless. There is a ton of pressure to create, create, and create some more in regards to content but it’s honestly just not sustainable without help. I don’t need social media to make me feel pressured because I do such a great job of it towards myself. I’m very hard on myself when I’m not posting like I should or doing things I’ve planned and I will end up beating myself and going into overdrive. This is not healthy whatsoever and I end up reaching burn out quickly.
I like knowing what’s going on, but during the weekend (especially during football season) the only thing I’m doing it watching College Gameday, cleaning, and being over exposed to a ton of football. Of course we eat and I spend time with my family, but it’s nothing post worthy. Unless I’m doing something I typically just don’t think to post. As stated above, this becomes problematic in regards to my need for more traffic in order to boost my blog. Truthfully, I’ve come to the realization that my mental health means more to me than popularity. I believe that the work I’m putting in will pay off eventually so I’m going to continue being consistent and working towards my goals until I see the results. Even if it means that my progress is slower than I desire, it makes my life so much easier. This thinking so funny to me because when I initially got on social media I posted EVERYTHING! Now, I just don’t care for folks to know everything that’s going on in my life. Have you ever taken a break from social media? How was it?
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