Living in the “Then What”…

From a very young age, I planned out my life. I knew I didn’t want to live in my hometown, I knew I wanted to be married with kids, and I knew I wanted a house by 25. I had at least these three figured out by middle school and would proudly share all of that with my family members as often as I could. There are many days my adult self envies that little girl. Each of those things she desired, she accomplished. Unfortunately in college, everything started becoming a little less clear. I eventually ended up with two degrees and a 12 year career in a field that wasn’t apart of my “plan”

Worth it Wednesday

Once again, life has taken on a different course than normal. This week is solely based on what’s happening in America and something I’ve become passionate about learning and uncovering. This week is about American History. No, not that watered-down and whitewashed half truth shoved down our throats in school. I’m speaking about what really happened within this nation that still has ramifications to this very day.