Adjust Your Lens

Out Of Focus

Life is what you make it as well as how you see it. You can put in work at anything you desire, but if you’re not viewing what you’re doing and/or your results favorably you will more than likely find out that you aren’t going to be successful. This year I’ve struggled with this very idea. I’ve worked out consistently, followed my nutrition regimen, drank lots of water, got an adequate amount of rest, but stopped seeing results. I allowed this to eventually settle into my thinking and I’m sure you can figure out what happened next. Our brains are the motors of our bodies and we have to protect that at all costs and feed it positivity constantly if we desire to have good, tangible results in our lives. What’s an area that you aren’t seeing your life so clearly? How can you change it? Frustrations often come from pictures that are out of focus and blurry (think about how many selfies are taken before the perfect one is captured). Sometimes we just need to apply the same logic and energy we do to our lives that we use when trying to get “the picture”; be patient and let things come into focus.

Gain U, Grow U, Give U


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