
Worth it Wednesday

Product: Carpet Rake

Initial Thoughts: After reading several reviews, I felt that I had nothing to lose. I was sick of looking at flat carpet and was willing to try anything. Knowing we haven’t been in our home for 2 years yet, I wasn’t interested in replacing the carpets or just putting…

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Talk About it Tuesday

Are You Making Your Life Worth It Or Are You Wasting It?

Over the last year, I’ve become more intentional with creating the life I dream of. I started doing an inventory of areas in my life that weren’t necessarily fruitful. One of the biggest areas: I wasted time on social media.…

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Feature Friday

Since I completely forgot Worth it Wednesday this week I am strategically moving it to Friday...Clearly my brain has been consumed with finishing and starting the many projects that are the garage. This week won’t be a product, but definitely something that I think requires investment:…

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Mother’s Day

Talk About it Tuesday

Life Without My Mother

This past weekend was year #16 without my mother. I’ve definitely gotten much better emotionally with the realization, but there are definitely still some holes left in my life. I was able to participate in a podcast by my longtime friend Dana (IG- @danamyte781)…

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Home buying

Worth it Wednesday

Product: Home Ownership

Initial Thoughts: It was apart of the American dream and I knew I also wanted something to call my own. I purchased my first home at 24 years old because I always believed in the concept of owning versus renting. In my narrow mind, I felt that there was…

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You can do it

Talk About it Tuesday

Make a Mistake and Move On

This week’s feature comes from weeks of stress that I didn’t ask for, but I got with a side of disappointments. Since beginning this furniture makeover portion business, I have had no luck at all. Every since piece has sucked a lot of energy and time out of me…

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Worth it Wednesday

Once again, life has taken on a different course than normal. This week is solely based on what’s happening in America and something I’ve become passionate about learning and uncovering. This week is about American History. No, not that watered-down and whitewashed half truth shoved down…

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Finished product

Talk About it Tuesday

One of the hardest things I’ve ever had to come to grips with is my lack of grace for me. Work has been put in for several years to be more mindful of others and their needs with an emphasis on giving grace. The awareness of how much we as people need grace because of our humanity has changed…

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Car lot

Worth it Wednesday

Product: Mini Van Life!! My current ride is: 2014 Honda Odyssey Touring Elite Package

My initial thoughts: I didn’t want one. I had friends that had one and I didn’t mind riding, but it wasn’t for me. My heart was set on purchasing an SUV with 3rd row seating. Truthfully, I thought…

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Don’t waste time

Talk About it Tuesday

The Joy in Rediscovering Passion

Since transitioning into being a stay at home mom, I feel like there’s been a huge sense of loss. Not working professionally and doing things I really enjoyed caused a piece of me to go into hiding. Knowing that returning to the workforce wasn’t on…

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My girls

Worth it Wednesday

Once again, I’m going down the rabbit hole so today is about: Children ( insert dun dun dun sound)

My initial thoughts: I was excited and nervous about begin a mom. I felt like it would be an opportunity to do some things differently than my own parents in an attempt to foster an open…

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Stop and start over

Talk About it Tuesday

While I recognize that life throws different challenges at people in a variety of levels, we still all have to remember that everyone is facing something. One of the biggest things I’ve come to realize is that your words do a healthy amount of  shaping how you endure whatever it is you…

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