
Worth it Wendesday

Product: Cricut Maker 3

Initial Thoughts: I honestly wasn’t looking at getting a Maker 3 solely because of the price. Once I made up in my mind I wanted a machine, I figured I’d go with one of the less expensive ones so that I could learn and then I could upgrade in the future…

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Talk About it Tuesday

Subject: What’s My Plan for 2022?

While I’d like to say that I’ve started off the year with a bang, I have NOT. I’m definitely being more proactive in regards to things that I need to put myself into position to complete tasks that I’ve put off, but the truth of the matter is I…

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Worth it Wednesday

Product: My 3 favorite (current) fragrances

Initial Thoughts: Christmas is slowly approaching and I feel like it only makes sense to share a few items that might make a great gift for someone or yourself. As I’ve mentioned on my social media, I was in search of new scents and I…

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Don’t Quit

Talk About it Tuesday

Subject: What Happens When You Want To Quit?!?

Can I be honest? While my life is amazing, there are days I’m just not interested in doing everything that comes with all the roles that I have to fulfill. I don’t feel like being wife, mommy, blogger, friend, daughter, etc. I just want to…

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Try it out Thursday

This week is going to be a little different. I’m going to be doing more of a comparison of products versus a review on one product. This week’s product will be: Makeup

I have no issues saying that I was never really taught much about makeup so it was up to me to do a lot of discovering…

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Worth it Wendesday

Product: Freshly (Premade meal delivery kits)

Initial Thoughts: Pure excitement sums up how I felt. Cooking is something that over the past few months is just not what I want to be doing. My children aren’t necessarily fans of crock pot meals, leftovers, and basically anything…

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Talk About it Tuesday

Getting Back on Track

I won’t pretend that I’ve been the best at doing this currently. While I’ve had bursts of greatness, I allow myself to fall back into the foolishness and lapse back into a place that I’m not proud to be in. Things don’t get accomplished when this happens and I’m…

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Try it Out Thursday

Product: King Oversized Comforter from Your Bed

One of the best decisions we ever made was upgrading my queen sized bed to a king when we got married. That being said, it has been very difficult to find a comforter that covers everything. I feel like “my slip is showing” because we…

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Talk About it Tuesday

Topic: The Temptation in Being Silent

When social media became a thing, I was one of those people that would tell you all of my business. You would know where I was, who I was with, and everything in between. As I’ve matured, I have found that there are just some things I want to keep to…

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Worth it Wednesday

Topic: Social Media Break

Yes, we are again doing a review on something that’s not a product. Sorry not sorry, but it’s important to me that I speak on this. While I’ve never been the person that feels the need to announce that I’m taking a break (I really don’t understand the logic in…

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Worth it Wednesday

This isn’t a product like normal, but I thought it would be great to share some shows that have caught my attention lately. I know some people use the word obsessed when talking about stuff like this, but I think that’s overkill and there is nothing on tv that does that to me. I can admit I have…

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Talk About it Tuesday

Topic: Creating the Life You Want Right Where You Are

One of the best things that happened to me during the quarantine is that I found my creative bug. Since then, I’ve done several crafting and home decor projects that have made my home have the look I’ve always desired. Prior to that…

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